The Charlton Manor Restaurant offers a wide range of healthy dinners including both meat and vegetarian options as well as offering both a salad and fruit bar.
As well as fantastic food there is superb service! From year 3 children are given the opportunity to volunteer as a waiter. Waiters wear a shirt and bowtie. There are currently 82 waiters on rota. They learn to serve fruit and salad, lay tables and most importantly encourage younger children to eat as well as helping them with cutlery. By being a waiter, they must work in a team and each responsible for different areas. Waiters are rewarded with certificates and the chance to become a VIP Waiter.
Each week we are visited by pensioners from the local area, they are offered lunch and are waited on by our VIP waiters. Our VIP waiters are given a special uniform and the selected waiters share lunch with the pensioners. This builds a good relationship between the ladies and children and helps the children build their confidence.
Another service that the restaurant offers is the Sweet Pickings tuck shop. The Sweet Pickings tuck shop is now open 5 days a week due to the popularity. Our new team of 8 children choose and cook healthy recipes every Monday using produce from our community and secret garden.