Charlton Manor Primary School is a successful, mixed comprehensive school, providing learning opportunities for all abilities and backgrounds from ages; three up to eleven years. Our School motto is; "Res non Verba" which means ‘deeds not words' and with this attitude we aim to make a positive contribution in our school and throughout the community. At Charlton Manor Primary School, we understand who our children are. We nurture reflective, respectful and resilient children who are happy, healthy and have a passion for learning. Our teaching and varied learning is practical and personalised, based on real life experiences.
Our children's needs are met by providing a safe learning environment that enriches and empowers each individual through our unique and innovative curriculum. We forge strong relationships between children, parent and carers, staff and the wider community. We equip our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to face the challenges of the future as self-aware, responsible global citizens.
Our mission statement is not an aim or an aspiration… It is what we know we already do. It is an affirmation of our everyday practice and ethos. It is what we believe makes us special and unique as a school.
All of our pupils are encouraged to aim for excellence and to fulfil their individual potential – academically, socially and through personal development. We want every pupil to become successful, confident and caring adults who will be able to play an active part in society where adaptability, enterprise, perseverance and consideration for others are increasingly important. Our strong commitment to equality of opportunity and equality of esteem is intended to ensure that all pupils, regardless of ability, aptitude or background, can fully fulfil their potential.
We are a popular local school, consistently and increasingly oversubscribed for places and we believe that we can offer creative, aspiring and exciting learning opportunities to every child who attends our school. I am certain that your sons and daughters will enjoy being a part of the Charlton Manor community. They will be given every opportunity to gain academic success and personal fulfilment and to develop their talents and social skills in a friendly, supportive environment. Above all, we will ensure that they enjoy their time here as well as achieve.
Mrs. A. Goold